Maleficarum: From Love to Torture and Suffering

How was Maleficarum made as told by Beto Lopez L. The Inquisitor.

I must confess that I was on the set of the new Jac Avila’s film, Maleficarum, a story that take us to the times of the inquisition by the hand of a director who doesn’t hesitate to put to the test everything that surrounds him; like a doctor that, scalpel in hand, prepares to neatly dissect a body. It’s not clear to me if it is to cure or to cut, but whatever his intention is, he will do it with professionalism and in an almost aseptic way.

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Barbazul, Amy’s Second Film As Director

Soon after the controversial and successful release of Sirwinakuy in July of 2010, Amy didn’t just rest on her laurels.  She began to work on her second feature: Barbazul and she wanted Veronica Paintoux, the protagonist of Sirwinakuy, to play a leading role.

Amy had the intention of making her own version of Barbazul for some time. Having passed the test with Sirwinakuy, Amy decided that it was time to bring her dream to reality.

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